CarbonSpotter is a reservoir geochemical characterization service for CCS reservoirs.
The service delivers an in-situ measurement to measure geochemical composition as well as map vertical distribution of the plume. While technologies and services exist to measure aerial distribution of the plume, there are no technologies or services to measure the vertical geochemical distribution of the plume across the reservoir unit. This service uses the industry’s only downhole Raman spectrometer to directly assess both geochemical composition and vertical distribution of the plume, and how it varies vertically within the reservoir.
WellDog’s CarbonSpotter has adapted our patented Reservoir Raman systems to analyze carbon injection formations and above injections formations in situ, provide the fastest, most representative MVA data available.
- In situ analysis allows CarbonSpotter to analyze fluid samples insuring that the results accurately represent injection and storage success
- Allows simultaneously geophysical analysis of the injection zone and above injection zones for carbon dioxide, methane, flue gas and other chemicals associated with CCS.
- Our patented equipment enables you to confidently analyze fluids downhole or at the wellhead
- Our e-line, real time systems allow us to maximize job efficiency and deliver data to you in hours, not in weeks or months.
- Delivers geochemical composition and vertical distribution of the plume
- Service is fast, accurate and delivers representative data
- Allows simultaneously geophysical analysis of the injection zone and above injection zones for carbon dioxide, methane, flue gas and other chemicals associated with CCS.
- In situ analysis allows analysis of fluid samples insuring that the results accurately represent injection and storage success
- Patented wireline and wellhead measurement systems deliver operational flexibility